Future planning: Is this the year petrol will disappear from WA?
WA Today Article. https://www.watoday.com.au/politics/western-australia/future-planning-is-this-the-year-petrol-will-disappear-from-wa-20231218-p5esbe.html
Overcoming barriers to the use of alternative and innovative solutions…
Overcoming barriers to the use of alternative and innovative solutions such as stand-alone power systems as an alternative to replacement of end-of-life network assets Download overcoming-barriers-to-the-use-of-alternative-and-innovative-solutions
Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development
Good Company Podcast
Interview with Tristy Fairfield on the Good Company episode of Perth Radio 89.7 FM.
Understorey: Consulting for Climate Change
FROM PODCAST: UNDERSTOREY Understorey’s Adrian Glamorgan speaks to Tristy Fairfield about her journey from community climate change campaigner to climate solutions corporate consultant.
Fight for Planet A In Western Australia
Online Q&A: Energy Shared screen with speaker view
Acting Up! – 45 Years of FoE – Climate action to climate justice
Celebrating 45 years of Friends of the Earth - Climate action to climate justice. In the 80s, FoE campaigned around "global warming", carbon debt and had a focus on the emissions of wealthy countries. We worked with people in the Carteret…
Great Southern families to connect to stand-alone solar power systems in off-grid power trial
ABC NEWS A pilot project, to discover whether farming families can operate without being connected to the mains power grid, will be trialled in Western Australia's Great Southern. Ten properties at the ends of the grid will be reconnected to…